Ambia is Constantly Growing

To better serve you we are constantly broadening our reach in order to connect more and more homes into the future.

Save Today, Invest in Tomorrow.

Now is the perfect time for you to take charge of your energy.
Get a free personalized quote for your home.

Switching to Ambia means:

Stable Bills, No Surprises

Lock in your monthly energy costs and say goodbye to fluctuating utility rates.

Fixed Monthly Payments

Enjoy predictable expenses with stable, locked-in monthly bills that won’t increase over time.

Quick Return on Investment

Recoup your investment faster with savings on energy bills, often within just a few years.

Stable Bills, No Surprises

Lock in your monthly energy costs and say goodbye to fluctuating utility rates.

Fixed Monthly Payments

Enjoy predictable expenses with stable, locked-in monthly bills that won’t increase over time.

Quick Return on Investment

Recoup your investment faster with savings on energy bills, often within just a few years.

Make the switch to solar power today and secure your financial future.

Gain Freedom with Ambia

Ready to break free from grid instability 
and monopolistic utility companies?

Going Solar with Ambia Offers You:

Stability Through Solar and Battery

Escape grid instability by pairing solar panels with battery storage. With this combination, you can power your home even during grid outages, ensuring uninterrupted electricity supply and peace of mind.

Escape Utility Monopolies

Say goodbye to utility monopolies and their frequent rate hikes. By generating your own electricity with solar power, you reduce reliance on traditional utilities, giving you control over your energy costs and future.

Empowerment Through Independence

Take charge of your energy destiny. With solar power, you’re not just a consumer – you’re a producer. Generate your own clean energy, reduce dependence on external providers, and pave the way for a more sustainable and self-sufficient future.

Make the switch to Ambia today and take a stand for energy independence.

At Ambia We Put Sustainability at the Forefront Empowering Tomorrow, Today: Illuminating Lives, Preserving Earth.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Combat climate change by harnessing the power of the sun. Solar energy produces electricity without emitting harmful greenhouse gases, helping to reduce your carbon footprint and mitigate environmental damage.

Preserve Natural Resources

Opting for solar power means less reliance on finite fossil fuels. By generating electricity from sunlight, you help conserve precious natural resources and promote a more sustainable energy future for generations to come.

Protect Ecosystems

Say no to environmentally destructive energy extraction practices. Solar power doesn’t require drilling, fracking, or mining, minimizing habitat destruction and preserving ecosystems.

Tax Incentives

Maximize Savings with Solar Tax Incentives

Thinking about going solar? Don’t miss out on valuable tax incentives that can help you save even more. Here’s what you need to know:

Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC): Take advantage of the federal government’s Investment Tax Credit (ITC) for solar energy systems. This credit allows you to deduct a percentage of the cost of your solar installation from your federal taxes, reducing your tax liability dollar for dollar.

State and Local Incentives: In addition to federal incentives, many states offer their own incentives to encourage solar adoption. These incentives can include rebates, tax credits, or performance-based incentives, further reducing the cost of your solar system and increasing your overall savings.

Professional Guidance: While we can’t offer tax advice, we can connect you with certified professionals who specialize in solar tax incentives. They can provide personalized guidance to help you navigate available incentives and maximize your savings.

Go Solar today and take advantage of valuable tax incentives to maximize your savings.

“This award reflects our team’s dedication to offering homeowners reliable and affordable solar solutions. It also underscores our efforts to help create a more sustainable future.”

Conner Ruggio
CEO, Ambia Solar

“Ambia has been amazing to work with. They were very professional, knowledgeable and helpful during our process going solar. Highly recommend!!”

Haley P.

“I would recommend Ambia to any and all who are looking to buy, and install solar on your home and business as every employee from the receptionist in the office, to the salesman and installation crews have been nothing but helpful, respectful and professional.”

Brian P.

“Thank you, Ambia, for your professionalism with the installation of our solar panels.
The crew arrived on time. They were courteous and knowledgeable about their profession.”

Cici L.

“Highly highly recommend AMBIA! I’ve met with several other solar companies and they couldn’t answer my questions and couldn’t explain how the tax credit works! Chris and Andy are the only guys that could explain the tax credit and now it makes complete sense! Thank you!”

Rachel M.

Learn More about Going Solar

Smooth, and Effortless Installation